Acts Adopted by the Commission

The Resolution N20 of September 18, 2008 on Approving Electricity (Capacity) Supply and Consumption Rules

The Resolution N12 of July 9, 2009 On Approving Natural Gas Supply and Consumption Rules

The Resolution N32 of November 26, 2018 on Approving Drinking Water Supply and Consumption Rules

 The Resolution N39 August 30, 2023 On Approving of Irrigation Water Supply Rules


The Resolution N14 of July 30, 2014 on Approving Electricity Tariff Setting Methodologies

The Resolution N33 of December 25, 2014 on Approving Natural Gas Tariff Setting Methodologies

The Resolution N21 of August 10, 2017 on Approving Drinking Water Tariff Setting Methodologies 


The Resolution N33 of December 4, 2008 on Electricity Tariffs

The Resolution N30 of December 30, 2005 on Natural Gas Tariffs 

The Resolution N17 of August 17, 2010 on Water Supply Tariffs 


The Resolution N15 of July 30, 2014 on Approving the Rule of Calculation of the Electricity Normative Losses

The Resolution N5 of March 26, 2015 on Approving Rule of Calculation of Normative Losses in Natural Gas Distribution Network

The Resolution N45 of December 26, 2017 on Approving Rule of Calculation of Drinking Water Normative Losses


The Resolution N10 of April 17 ,2014 on Approving Network Rules

The Resolution N22 of August, 2018 on Approving Natural Gas Network Rules 


The Resolution N39 of December 28, 2018 on Approving Quality of Service Rules

The Resolution N24 of June 4, 2020 on Approving the Dispute Settlement Rules 

The Resolution N9 of March 27, 2020 on Approving the Transmission System Operator Certification Rules 

The Resolution №46 of August 11, 2020 On Approving Electricity Market Rules 

The Resolution N28 of November 22, 2019 on Approving Monitoring Rules for the Energy Markets

The Resolution N23 of September 18, 2008 on Approving the Rules for Control and Licensing of Activity in the Electricity, Natural Gas and Water Supply Sectors

The Resolution N6 of March 6, 2014 on Approving the Charter of the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission

The Resolution of November 22, 2019 on Approving the Investment Appraisal Rules

The Resolution N39 of July 16 2020 On Approving Distribution System Operator Unbundling Rules

The Resolution N22, May 27, 2020 On approving the Rules for Licensing and Informing About Energy Activities

The Resolution 58, November 12, 2020 On Approving Transitory Measures to be Implemented in the Electricity Sector

Resolution N68 On Approving Methodologies for Calculating Tariffs and Fees in the Electricity Sector

Resolution N47, August 13, 2020 On approving the Electricity Retail Market Rules

Resolution N24, June 4, 2020 On the approval of the Dispute Settlement Rules

Resolution N79, December 28, 2020 On the approval of the regulations of the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission 

Resolution N27 June 27, 2023 On the approval of the On Approving of the Regulatory Cost Audit