13.04.2022 Release

Maia Melikidze, Commissioner of Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission, has been re-elected for her second term as the Chair of Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA). Representatives of ERRA member states voted for Maia Melikidze by an absolute majority at the General Assembly. Chairman of the GNERC, Davit Narmania and Commissioner Gocha Shonia also attended the GA in Budapest, Hungary and expressed their support.
Members of the association gave positive appraisal to her performance and regulations adopted during her first term as the Chair of ERRA. It is worth to mention, that along with important energy related projects and reforms, with the initiative of Melikidze new gender equality programs were launched in ERRA, which aims empowerment of women working in the energy sector.
Energy Regulators Regional Association brings together energy regulatory commissions of European and Asian countries. Partner organizations are also members of the association. Moreover, GNERC is among one of the founding members of ERRA.