17.09.2020 Release

17 September, 2020


The Commissioner of Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission has been elected as the Chair of Energy Regulators Regional Association for 2-year term. General Assembly Meeting held on September 17, 2020 by the majority of votes. At the General Assembly GNERC was represented by Chairman, Davit Narmania who expressed his full support towards the candidacy of Ms. Melikidze.

Chairman of Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA) is authorized to represent the Association, make decision within his/her competencies conferred under the ERRA Constitution, supervises financial activities, budget and cash flow management of the ERRA. Hereby, Chair presides Presidium and General Assembly meetings.

It is notable that Ms. Melikidze has been previously elected as a presidium member that represents executive, administrative and representative body of ERRA.

Various regulatory authorities from European and Asian Region are represented in ERRA. The Association comprises partner organizations from USA. Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission is one of the founding members of ERRA.