Commission Hearing of 28.05.2020

28 May, 2020

The Commission discussed issues foreseen in the agenda on hearing held on May 28, 2020.

The license on operating electricity market was issued to Georgian Energy Exchange JSC on the basis of the decision of the Commission. In compliance with the terms and conditions of the license Georgian Energy Exchange JSC will ensure organization of intraday and day-ahead electricity market, electricity trading on internal market, as well as connection and integration to neighbouring organized markets. According to the license the Georgian Energy Exchange shall establish transparent, affordable and reliable unified financial reporting system for day-ahead, intraday, balancing, ancillary services markets and for imbalance settlement.  

The license has been also issued to Georgian State Electrosystem JSC to operate electricity balancing and ancillary services market. In compliance with the terms and conditions of the license Georgian State Electrosystem JSC will ensure operation of balancing and ancillary services market, electricity balancing mechanisms, definition of relevant products and calculation of imbalance fee.

The Law of Georgia on Energy and Water Supply and “Licensing Rules and Rule on Notification about Energy Activities” approved by the Commission served as the basis for issuing the licenses for Georgian Energy Exchange JSC and Georgian State Electrosystem JSC.

Furthermore, the amendments were introduced in the Resolution N6 of 06 March of 2014 of the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission on Approving Charter of the Commission.

The Commission’s activity report of 2019 was approved on the public hearing. The report can be downloaded from the Commission’s webpage:

Additionally, the Commission satisfied the request of Telasi JSC on increasing timeframes for connection.