9.03.2021 Release

A commissioner of the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC), Mr. Giorgi Pangani delivered welcoming remarks at the workshop concerning Energy Market Monitoring Issues. The event took place within the framework of an EU-funded Twinning Project, where Mr. Pangani discussed the importance of Energy Market Monitoring, its specifics and need for the new electricity market structure which will be operational from July 1st, 2021.
Together with GNERC representatives foreign experts participated in the meeting. An expert of the Austrian Regulatory Authority (E-Control), Johannes Mayer discussed the experience of Austrian energy market monitoring, its objectives and its enforcement in the wholesale and retail level of energy markets together with competition law.
The fourth EU-funded Twinning project has been officially launched at GNERC on February 1, 2021. The project title is: Development of Network Tariff Setting Methodologies, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Regulatory Strategy and Creating Regulatory Framework for Enabling Demand Side Involvement. The Project is being implemented by the Energy Regulatory Authorities of Austria (E-Control) and Germany (BNetzA). The project will also involve experts from French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) and National Energy Regulatory Council of Lithuania (Vert). The project budget constitutes of 1 500 000 Euros and has a duration of 27 months.