Obligations of Persons Professionally Arranging Transactions
Persons Professionally Arranging Transactions - assists wholesale energy market participants in concluding transactions on wholesale energy products and ensures the operation of the relevant trading platform;
A Person Professionally Arranging Transactions should monitor the actions of wholesale energy market participants and provide the Commission with information regarding suspicious actions.
Under Article 59 of Resolution № 7 of the Energy Market Monitoring and Reporting Rules of the Commission of March 30, 2021, if a Person Professionally Arranging Transactions has a reasonable suspicion that a transaction(s) related to the trade in wholesale energy products is contrary to the requirements of the prohibition of manipulation or attempted manipulation shall be notified to the Commission immediately. Also, persons professionally involved in transactions are obliged to ensure the implementation of effective measures to detect violations of the requirements for the prohibition of trade and manipulation or attempted manipulation of the energy market by using inside information.