
3 April, 2020

The Commission has developed a special platform that enables residential customers to choose the month, company, indicate the amount of electricity/natural gas consumed in March, April or May and learn whether they are entitled to benefits/support.

Those customers, who do not want to benefit from the state support, can refuse to receive the support through the same platform. The information will be automatically sent to utility service companies.

To access the platform, please click on the link:

The government of Georgia took the decision to cover electricity and natural gas bills in March, April and May for those customers, whose:

  • monthly electricity consumption does not exceed 200 kWh. The state also covered water supply and cleaning service fees for those customers;
  • monthly natural gas consumption does not exceed 200 m3. For those customers who are entitled to those benefits, but have already covered the fee, the paid amount will be reflected in their balance.